Saddle Bums is dedicated to our customers' satisfaction. When you call us you will not only be talking to a person, but to a horse person. Everyone at Saddle Bums owns, rides and loves horses. All of our products are used and tested by one of the people you will be talking to when you call Saddle Bums. It is our goal to not just sell you a riding tight, but the most perfect riding tight for your riding discipline and for you personally.

Saddle Bums
PO Box 1114
Jamestown KY 42629
800 260-7072


Saddle Bums are made in the USA from materials also made in the USA. All our tights are made to order and shipped in a timely manner. We take pride in our workmanship and dedication to making your ride more comfortable and rewarding.


Continental U.S. - shipped by Priority Mail unless otherwise indicated.

International - shipped by Global Priority unless otherwise indicated.

We are not responsible for lost or stolen items.
Need Help with size or special requests? Call us at 800-260-7072...or email us at